for cooking soybean oil filling packaging line in Malawi


  • for cooking soybean oil filling packaging line in Malawi
  • for cooking soybean oil filling packaging line in Malawi
  • for cooking soybean oil filling packaging line in Malawi
  • for cooking soybean oil filling packaging line in Malawi

Overview, Key Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

Value Chain Analysis for Soybeans in Malawi Colorado

Edible Oil Filling Lines Kombi Makina

Analysis of the Soyabean Value Chain: A Case of Malawi

  • What is the STA of soyabean production in Malawi?
  • The Standard Deviation (STA) of soybean production in Malawi for the 1987/88 season is 3.70 (Sta 1.37 0.45 3.70 0.49 4). It is expected that most of the soybean production in Malawi will be produced as an intercrop with maize. (Data is from LADD LNE RDP)
  • Is soybean a viable export agro-ecological crop in Malawi?
  • Domestic demand for soybean by the processing agro-industries (growing poultry and fish industries), is high. Thus soybean has a ready domestic and export market that is not fully exploited. Agronomic studies on soybean have shown that the crop is well adapted for production in all agro-ecological zones in Malawi.
  • Why isn't Soyabean oil produced in Malawi?
  • The lack of interest by oil manufactures in producing Soyabean oil in Malawi is due to the limited recovery of oil from the beans. With the normal pressing or extruding methods used in Malawi, only about 10% of the oil is extracted from the soyabeans, leaving about 10% oil in the cake. Thus, soyabeans would yield only about 10% oil.
  • Why do we need soybeans in Malawi?
  • High demand for soybean to produce feed due to expansion of the poultry and fish industries in Malawi. Private sector interest, especially processors to support and enhance soybean pro-duction to meet local demand. Availability of suitable varieties adaptable to almost all agro-ecological zones.

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