making sustainable palm oil the norm in Ghana


  • making sustainable palm oil the norm in Ghana
  • making sustainable palm oil the norm in Ghana
  • making sustainable palm oil the norm in Ghana
  • making sustainable palm oil the norm in Ghana

A Cleaner Palm Oil Production United Nations

Integrating Ghanaian palm oil smallholders into global markets

Best management practices for sustainable oil palm

The politics of policy failure in Ghana: The case of oil palm

  • How can a smallholder sector improve oil palm production in Ghana?
  • Increasing fruit supply by organizing the expanding smallholder sector and implementing yield intensification strategies (BMPs) on existing plantings is largely an unexploited potential for the sustainable intensification of oil palm production in Ghana, and is essential to move the industry forward in a sustainable manner.
  • How to increase oil palm yields in Ghana?
  • Best management practices close yield gaps in mature oil palm in Ghana. Short-term yield increases are achieved through improved crop recovery. Improving crop recovery provides the finance needed for inputs to increase yields. Improved fertilizer recommendations are essential to increase yields in Ghana.
  • Does area expansion increase the production of palm oil in Ghana?
  • Most of the increases in the production of palm oil in Ghana have been achieved through area expansion (Rhebergen et al., 2018). By contrast, increasing yields with BMP offers scope to reduce the requirement for future area expansion to meet the increasing demand for palm oil (preferably if tenera planting material is used).
  • How important is oil palm to Ghana's economy?
  • Introduction Oil palm ( Elaeis guineensis) has long been of strategic importance to Ghana’s national economy. However, despite its significance as the country’s second most important cash crop, the sector has consistently underperformed, with production unable to meet the domestic demand.

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