camellia as an oilseed crop in Cape Town

Camellia as an Oilseed Crop in: HortScience

  • camellia as an oilseed crop in Cape Town
  • camellia as an oilseed crop in Cape Town
  • camellia as an oilseed crop in Cape Town
  • camellia as an oilseed crop in Cape Town

Camellia as an Oilseed Crop. HortScience, 52(4), 488–497

Camellia as an Oilseed Crop 百度学术

Camellia as an oilseed crop preview & related info

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  • Is Camellia oil the same as olive oil?
  • Camellia is one of the four main oil-bearing trees along with olive, palm, and coconut in the world. Known as “Eastern Olive Oil,” camellia oil shares similar chemical composition with olive oil, with high amounts of oleic acid and linoleic acid and low saturated fats. Camellia was first exploited for edible oil in China more than 1000 years ago.
  • Where did camellia oil come from?
  • Camellia was first exploited for edible oil in China more than 1000 years ago. Today, its oil serves as the main cooking oil in China’s southern provinces. Introduction of camellia oil into the Western countries was delayed until the recognition of its many health benefits.
  • Is tea oil camellia a new edible oil crop?
  • Ruter,J.M.2011Tea oil camellia: A new edible oil crop for the United States. Proc. 2011 Ann. Meeting Intern.
  • Are oil camellias a viable alternative oil source?
  • To facilitate promoting this valuable crop as an alternative oil source and selecting promising cultivars for targeted habitats, this paper reviews the resources of oil camellias developed in China, use of by-products from oil-refining process, as well as the progress of developing camellias for oil production in China and other nations.

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