Tunisia 3tpd oil pressing refining line

8-180 tpd electric copra oil processing plant Tunisia

  • Tunisia 3tpd oil pressing refining line
  • Tunisia 3tpd oil pressing refining line
  • Tunisia 3tpd oil pressing refining line
  • Tunisia 3tpd oil pressing refining line

Tunisia's Upstream Hydrocarbon Framework World Bank

Tunisia: installed oil refining capacity Statista

Tunisia upstream summary Report Wood Mackenzie

Tunisia’s Upstream: On Its Last Legs? MEES

  • Could Tunisia's first gas turbine power plant be built in Rades?
  • Any sizable discoveries could be used to fuel Tunisia's first combined cycle gas turbine power plant which British Gas and GEC Alsthom are bidding to build and operate in Rades. Another source could be the Hasdrubal gasfield, discovered in 1995 in its Amilcar permit, 30 km southwest of Miskar.
  • Does Tunisia have a gas pool?
  • Aside from the oil leg, there is a gas cap, some condensate, and a water table. Tunisia's government has approved initial flaring of the gas at 3 MMcm/d, but that rate will drop as the oil pool declines. A local power generation scheme is being considered, which could use some of the associated gas.
  • Who is a new operator offshore Tunisia?
  • Paris-based Coparex International is another relatively new operator offshore Tunisia. It farmed into the Cap Bon Marin exploration license in 1994, participating that year in the Zelfa oil discovery.
  • Where is Tunisia's first phased FPSO development?
  • Another ex-Marathon discovery, the Didon oilfield in the Zarat permit, is forming the basis for Tunisia's first phased FPSO development. The permit covers 1,000 sq km in the Gulf of Gabes in water depths of 50-100 meters. 2D and 3D seismic surveys have been staged here this decade.

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