Zambia plantations palm oil mills

Zampalm pioneers Zambia’s first palm oil plantation

  • Zambia plantations palm oil mills
  • Zambia plantations palm oil mills
  • Zambia plantations palm oil mills
  • Zambia plantations palm oil mills

Our Plantation ZamPalm

Zambia's first palm oil plantation

ZAMPALM Expands Crude Palm Oil Production

Deforestation, certification, and transnational palm oil supply

  • Can palm oil from Zambia cut back on crude oil imports?
  • The plantation boasts 2,800 hectares of palm plants, which when harvested will produce crude palm oil that is the basic ingredient in most vegetable oils on the market in Zambia. The locally produced palm oil will enable government to cut back on crude palm oil imports which currently stand at over US$70 million annually.
  • What is zampalm in Mpika?
  • Zampalm in Mpika is Zambia’s first ever palm plantation. The plantation boasts 2,800 hectares of palm plants, which when harvested will produce crude palm oil that is the basic ingredient in most vegetable oils on the market in Zambia.
  • What is the edible oil market in Zambia?
  • The market for edible oils in Zambia, of which palm oil is one component, is estimated at 120,000 tonnes per year, and this is expected to continuing growing as the country develops further. More than half of Zambia’s edible oil consumption is imported from the Far East, East Africa and South Africa.
  • What is oil palm cultivation?
  • Oil palm cultivation involves the introduction and spread of invasive species, including the oil palm itself (noted in Madagascar and Brazil’s Atlantic Forests 47), as well as non-native cover crops and nitrogen-fixing plants (for example, Mucuna bracteata or Calopogonium caeruleum).

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