Zimbabwe palm oil peninsular nature economy and people

The environmental impacts of palm oil

  • Zimbabwe palm oil peninsular nature economy and people
  • Zimbabwe palm oil peninsular nature economy and people
  • Zimbabwe palm oil peninsular nature economy and people
  • Zimbabwe palm oil peninsular nature economy and people

Implications of zero-deforestation palm oil for tropical Nature

The expansion and remaining suitable areas of global oil palm

The Threat of Industrial Oil Palm Expansion to Primates

The global palm oil sector must change to save biodiversity

  • Does palm oil production contribute to economic development in Indonesia?
  • Kasryno (2015), in a consultation report for the palm oil industry, observes that the “expansion of palm oil production hascontributed significantly to rural, regional, and national economic development in Indonesia through the provision of employment, net production value added, and foreign exchange earnings”.
  • What if the rspo'sustainability' approach expands in emerging palm oil producing regions?
  • As such, if the RSPO “sustainability” approach were to rapidly expand in emerging palm oil producing regions (e.g., African tropical forest zones and Latin America) we can continue to expect large-scale losses in forest cover, biodiversity, and ecosystem services as well as increased social conflict.
  • Which management practices improve biodiversity conservation in palm oil production landscapes?
  • Table 1. Management practices that improve biodiversity conservation in palm oil production landscapes. The maintenance of natural forest patches and riparian corridors within palm oil production landscapes is a landscape-level management measure that may improve biodiversity conservation.
  • How sustainable is the palm oil industry?
  • The second test of the sustainability of the palm oil industry is climate change, particularly as ‘biofuels’ from palm oil are still being propagated in both Southeast Asia and Europe as a means of reducing carbon emissions.

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