silybum marianum cold oil press in Pakistan

Constituents and thermal properties of milk thistle seed oils

  • silybum marianum cold oil press in Pakistan
  • silybum marianum cold oil press in Pakistan
  • silybum marianum cold oil press in Pakistan
  • silybum marianum cold oil press in Pakistan

Milk thistle seed cold press oil attenuates markers of the

Biotechnological production of silymarin in Silybum marianum L

Biology of milk thistle (Silybum marianum) and the

Silybum marianum: An Overview of its Phytochemistry

  • What is Silybum marianum used for?
  • Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (family: Asteraceae), commonly known as milk thistle, has been widely used from ancient period of times for the treatment of various ailments related to liver, kidneys, gallbladder, etc. It is an extensively used and studied herb for the treatment of hepatobiliary diseases.
  • Is silymarin present in milk thistle seed extracts from Iran?
  • Analysis of silymarin components in the seed extracts of some milk thistle ecotypes from Iran by HPLC. Iran J. Genet. Eng. Biotechnol, 12 ( 1) ( 2014), pp. 75 - 79 Silymarin production by hairy root culture of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. Iran J. Plant Biochem. Biotechnol., 22 ( 1) ( 2013), pp. 138 - 143 Acta Fytotech.
  • What is S marianum?
  • S. marianum is an annual/biennial herbaceous medicinal plant of the largest and widespread family Asteraceae (about 23,000 species and 1535 genera are identified), with the English name of milk thistle or Mary's thistle.
  • Which sterol is found in cold pressed milk thistle seed oil?
  • Delta 7-stigmastenol was the most predominant sterol compound in the cold-pressed milk thistle seed oil, whereas the most abundant sterol in hexane-extracted oil and ethanol-extracted oil was sitosterol, followed by Δ7-stigmastenol.

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