nutmeg oil plant extract in Republic of Congo

Full article: Nutritional and therapeutic potential

  • nutmeg oil plant extract in Republic of Congo
  • nutmeg oil plant extract in Republic of Congo
  • nutmeg oil plant extract in Republic of Congo
  • nutmeg oil plant extract in Republic of Congo

Nutmeg essential oil

The Effect of Supercritical Fluid Extraction Parameters on the Nutmeg

Chemical Composition, Antioxidant

Antidiabetic Medicinal Plants Used in Democratic Republic of Congo

  • How much nutmeg is extracted from a plant?
  • Based on the operating techniques and geographic location of the plant, yields of extract from the nutmeg have been observed in a range of 1.46%–16.5% ( Table 15.1 ). Nutmeg essential oil, a steam distillation that is yellow (palled), virtually colorless, is responsible for the distinctive odor of spices ( Marzuki et al., 2014 ).
  • Does nutmeg essential oil scavenge hydroxyl radicals?
  • In present study, nutmeg essential oil showed high hydroxyl radical scavenging activity that enhances with concentration (Fig. 4b). Oil showed antioxidant activity even at a low concentration of 0.25 mg ml −1. TEAC values for this test system was found to be 308.8 ±â€‰14.08 μM g −1.
  • How do you extract nutmeg?
  • Extraction with solvents is also possible. This is ideally carried out in a Soxhlet extractor (Abdurrasheed and Janardanan 2009 ). Fat oil can also be obtained from the aril (Lieberei and Reisdorff 2007, p. 330). Oil of nutmeg is reddish-brown, lighter in places, and similar to tallow. It has a soft, crumbly texture (Roth and Kormann 2005, p. 136).
  • Where does nutmeg come from?
  • The seeds are the most common source of nutmeg essential oil, which it comes from the mace, leaves, and pericarp ( Choo et al., 1999 ). The volatile compounds in essential oils range from 5% to 15% and are made up of greater than 80% monoterpenes, greater than 5% monoterpene alcohols, and greater than 5% aromatic and other miscellaneous chemicals.

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