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I thinned with Linseed Oil WetCanvas: Online Living for Artists

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Painting with Linseed Oil: What you need to know

Making Your Own Canvas Panels for Oil Painting

Oil Painting: The Fat over Lean Rule Sophie Ploeg

Making Sun Thickened Linseed Oil — Spencer Simmons Art

  • Can linseed be used in paint?
  • Unfortunately, Linseed also tends to have a pale yellow color. This makes it unideal for pale hues of paint, such as white, because oils tend to yellow over time. Because of this, you may find some other drying oils in your paints such as Poppy or Safflower oil.
  • Can I use linseed oil on a canvas before painting?
  • It is not recommended to use Linseed oil on a canvas before painting because it will add fat content that can mess with subsequent layers’ adhesion.
  • How long does linseed take to dry?
  • It also dries relatively fast for an oil, becoming touch dry in a few days and curing fully in about 6 months. Unfortunately, Linseed also tends to have a pale yellow color. This makes it unideal for pale hues of paint, such as white, because oils tend to yellow over time.
  • Is linseed oil a drying oil?
  • Linseed oil, as well as the other oils used in oil paints, is known as a drying oil. Drying oils are exactly as their name describes; they dry over time. This is unlike well known non-drying oils that you can often find in your kitchen, such as olive oil or canola oil.

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