high efficiency oil processing machine in Nigeria

Efficient and Energy-Saving Palm Oil Processing Equipment for Nigerian

  • high efficiency oil processing machine in Nigeria
  • high efficiency oil processing machine in Nigeria
  • high efficiency oil processing machine in Nigeria
  • high efficiency oil processing machine in Nigeria

An Overview of Palm Oil Production Processing in Nigeria

Modern mill technology and centralised processing system,


Analysis of the profitability of oil palm processing

  • How much palm oil is produced in Nigeria?
  • As at 1986, the Nigeria’s domestic palm oil production was estimated to be 760,000 metric tonnes while her imports then stood at 179,000 metric tonnes. Palm kernel, a by-product of palm oil is also consequently produced in large quantities in Nigeria during the same period.
  • How much palm oil does a processing machine handle?
  • Processing machinery manufacturers tend to make machines to fit individual processing operations. Large-scale plants, featuring all stages required to produce palm oil to international standards, are generally handling from 3 to 60 tonnes of FFB/hr.
  • Why did palm kernel production decline in Nigeria?
  • Palm kernel, a by-product of palm oil is also consequently produced in large quantities in Nigeria during the same period. Palm kernel output however declined from 419,000 metric tonnes during the period 1960 – 1965 to 385,000 metric tonnes from 1985 – 1987 probably due to poor market outlet for the product.
  • Are palm oil processors efficient users of resources?
  • In order to evaluate the economic efficiency of palm oil processors as users of resources, the study adopted the method used by Oladeebo and Ezekiel (2006), where the marginal value productivities (MVPs) for each resource were computed and such computed MVPs were then compared with their respective acquisition cost (MFC).

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