palm oil refinery plantmart in Lusaka

2-300t/day palm oil refinery market in lusaka

  • palm oil refinery plantmart in Lusaka
  • palm oil refinery plantmart in Lusaka
  • palm oil refinery plantmart in Lusaka
  • palm oil refinery plantmart in Lusaka

ZAMPALM Expands Crude Palm Oil Production

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  • Can palm oil from Zambia cut back on crude oil imports?
  • The plantation boasts 2,800 hectares of palm plants, which when harvested will produce crude palm oil that is the basic ingredient in most vegetable oils on the market in Zambia. The locally produced palm oil will enable government to cut back on crude palm oil imports which currently stand at over US$70 million annually.
  • Who sells edible oil in Zambia?
  • They hold about 45% of the Zambian edible oil market. MMMZ has their own processing plant with an oilseed crusher (200,000MT/annum capacity) and an edible oil refinery (140,000MT/annum capacity). They sell refined oil to wholesalers and the hotel industry, big retailers and also offer oil through dispensers via smaller outlets.
  • Can mmmz make sunflower oil more widely available in Zambia?
  • The company will buy all sunflower produced by contracted out-growers. MMMZ wants to make sunflower oil more widely available in Zambia through this project. Sunflower oil is more nutritious than other edible oils and if processed from locally produced seed can be sold at prices which are affordable to low-income consumers.
  • What is zampalm doing in Mpika?
  • There are two government health posts that are 15 and 20 km away but Zampalm has provided transport to the clinics, including an ambulance to Kopa clinic and Mpika District Hospital. Zampalm is also planning an outgrower scheme with the company providing seedlings.

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