Kazakhstan oil refinery exchangers oil refinery exchangers

Refining PetroKazakhstan

  • Kazakhstan oil refinery exchangers oil refinery exchangers
  • Kazakhstan oil refinery exchangers oil refinery exchangers
  • Kazakhstan oil refinery exchangers oil refinery exchangers
  • Kazakhstan oil refinery exchangers oil refinery exchangers

Kaz Refinery Oil || A safe and innovative crude oil

Caspian Refinery

KSK Pertroleum Kazakhstan

General Information qazaqrefinery.kz

  • What is the newest oil refinery in Kazakhstan?
  • The Shymkent Oil Refinery, PetroKazakhstan Oil Products LLP, built in 1985 in the city of Shymkent, is the newest refinery in Kazakhstan. Currently, the refinery provides about 30% of all oil products in Kazakhstan produced by the three refineries.
  • Who is Caspian refinery?
  • Caspian Refinery is the most trusted fuel company in Kazakhstan, with a refining capacity of more than 27 million m³ of crude oil every year. We refine and sell petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, heating oil, renewable fuels and many others to companies and consumers in Kazakhstan and abroad.
  • What licenses does the Kazakhstan refinery have?
  • The refinery owns a number of licenses approved by the state authorities for geological survey, exploration, and production of petroleum materials at oil and gas matured fields within the territory of the Kazakhstan.
  • What does refinery KZ LLP do?
  • The core activity of Refinery KZ LLP is the production and development of oil and gas in unpleasing and unforgiving weather in remote regions of Kazakhstan and offshore projects. The company is officially in a position of 13 exploration licenses to operate in the Arctic, Far Eastern, Sakhalin, and Southern seas of Kazakhstan.

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