Sudan groundnut oil production and marketing

Groundnut Value Chain Competitiveness and Prospects

  • Sudan groundnut oil production and marketing
  • Sudan groundnut oil production and marketing
  • Sudan groundnut oil production and marketing
  • Sudan groundnut oil production and marketing


Socio-Economic Factors Influencing the Groundnut Production

The Value Chain of Groundnut, Tomatoes, Hides

Adoption of climate-resilient groundnut varieties increases

  • Does Senegal have a groundnut oil value chain?
  • The report builds on and complements a previous analysis (World Bank 2015), which provides a comprehensive review of the groundnut value chain in Senegal and the role of the country in the groundnut oil global markets.
  • Where are groundnuts grown in Sudan?
  • Two varieties of groundnut are grown in Sudan; one is grown in the western part of the county accounting to 60-70% of the total production whilst the other variety grows in Gazeria and East Sudan. The ‘western’ groundnut that is typically grown in Darfur is known to be of better quality possessing higher levels of protein and oil.
  • Does Sudan have the right ingredients to address global food scarcity?
  • Since the 1970s, the Gulf countries have made major investments in Sudan to shore up the region’s food security. But Sudan has the right ingredients to address global food scarcity more widely: it offers a potentially massive production potential, has strong traditional farming practices and lies in a neutral geopolitical position.
  • What is Senegal's share of global groundnut production?
  • Taken together, area and yield determine Senegal’s share of world groundnut production which is shown in the figure below by the orange colored line. The country’s share of global groundnuts peaked in 1974-75 at above 7%, declined to below 1% in 2002, and then recovered to above 2% since 2014.

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