plant soyabin oil kolhapur in Iran

Achieving agricultural sustainability through

  • plant soyabin oil kolhapur in Iran
  • plant soyabin oil kolhapur in Iran
  • plant soyabin oil kolhapur in Iran
  • plant soyabin oil kolhapur in Iran

Investigating the status of transgenic crops in Iran in terms

Comprehensive yield gap analysis and optimizing agronomy

On Projecting Climate Change Impacts on Soybean Yield in Iran

Achieving agricultural sustainability through soybean

  • When to plant soybeans in Iran?
  • In northern part of Iran, soybeans can be planted in two seasons, spring and summer, after wheat/corn harvest. Due to seasonal rainfalls and lack of irrigation systems, most farmers prefer to plant soybeans under rain-fed conditions in well-timed of spring (mid-May/early June).
  • What is the soybean yield in Iran?
  • In Iran, soybean yield is estimated to be 1.5–2.5 t/ha under rain-fed/irrigation conditions, respectively. However, the actual yield of introduced soybean varieties is lower than the estimated yield due to the lack of proper mechanization practices.
  • Which tillage method produces the highest soybean yield in Iran?
  • Additionally, conventional tillage with complete previous crop residue resulted in the highest soybean yield [ 137 ]. In Iran, soybean yield is estimated to be 1.5–2.5 t/ha under rain-fed/irrigation conditions, respectively.
  • Can soybean production improve sustainable agriculture in Iran?
  • Hence, this review provides a comprehensive overview of the current status of soybean production in Iran and highlights its potential to enhance sustainable agriculture.

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