oil expeller oil expeller in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Countries & Regions IEA

  • oil expeller oil expeller in Sierra Leone
  • oil expeller oil expeller in Sierra Leone
  • oil expeller oil expeller in Sierra Leone
  • oil expeller oil expeller in Sierra Leone

Unlocking Sierra Leone s Oil and Gas Potential: Your

Sierra Leone Seeks Upstream Partners to Fast

Petroleum Directorate of Sierra Leone

Multinational and independents locked in talks

  • Is Sierra Leone a potential oil & gas explorer?
  • with reports FODAY MANSARAY DIRECTOR GENERAL The Republic of Sierra Leone is strategically placed on the African continental shelf, signaling excellent potential for the exploration of oil and gas in the country.
  • How will the oil and gas sector impact Sierra Leone?
  • Sierra Leone is moving with great resolve and determination on the road of development and prosperity under the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP). In line with the MTNDP, the oil and gas sector will play an essential role in transforming Sierra Leone, driving the country’s economic development and growth. OURPARTNERS
  • Why is gas important in Sierra Leone?
  • With the energy transition taking center stage, having gas in our energy mix will be crucial in driving energy security and sustainability. Last year, Sierra Leone launched its fifth licensing round to kickstart new exploration in the country. How has engagement with operators been to date?
  • Will Sierra Leone open its shores to deepwater exploration?
  • With recent discoveries along the Equatorial Atlantic Margin, these are exciting times for the Petroleum Directorate of Sierra Leone in our mission to opening our shores to deepwater exploration.

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