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MIDROC Ethiopia to Build 4bln Br worth Edible

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  • popular videos – oil refinery food in Addis Ababa
  • popular videos – oil refinery food in Addis Ababa
  • popular videos – oil refinery food in Addis Ababa

Local factory to halve Ethiopia’s edible oil import

One of the Largest Edible Oil Plants Goes Operational

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Addis Ababa city to get 4b birr edible oil factory

  • What will Ethiopia's new edible oil factory do?
  • When the new factory begins production at its full capacity, it will be able to meet 60 percent of the total demand of Ethiopia for edible oil. The factory will also be able to create 3,000 jobs. The factory will be distributing its produces as of tomorrow, according to the investor Belayneh Kinde.
  • Will a new oil factory halve the import of Ethiopia?
  • Built in Amhara region, a new edible oil factory from sunflower and soya bean is set to halve the import of Ethiopia. When it goes fully operational, the new factor constructed in West Gojam zone Bure town on 30 hectares of land, will create jobs for 2,000 people, according to FBC report.
  • Is MIDROC Ethiopia building an edible-oil factory in Addis Ababa?
  • ADDIS ABABA – Midroc Ethiopia has started building a 4-billion birr (100 million euro) worth edible-oil factory which is expected to produce 600,000 liters of cooking oil daily. A cornerstone for the factory was laid in Addis Ababa’s Summit area, adjacent to Pepsi Cola factory, on Saturday
  • Who owns Ethiopian oil factory?
  • The factory is owned by Belayneh Kinde, one of the tycoons engaged in agribusiness and other investments including owning Ethiopian Hotel in Addis Ababa and engaged in export of several agricultural commodities, such as oil seeds. The total investment of the new edible oil factory is close to 2.1 billion birr (around $73 million).

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