high efficient big soya oil refinery plant in Argentina

The Argentine portion of the soybean commodity chain

  • high efficient big soya oil refinery plant in Argentina
  • high efficient big soya oil refinery plant in Argentina
  • high efficient big soya oil refinery plant in Argentina
  • high efficient big soya oil refinery plant in Argentina


An analysis of the efficiency of the oil refining industry in the OECD

Latin American soy crush to rise in 2024 on crop recovery,

The Drivers Behind the Rapid Expansion

  • What technology has fueled the growth of soybeans in Argentina?
  • New technologies Two major technological innovations have fuelled soybean's exponential growth in Argentina: the farming technique known as direct seeding and the introduction of herbicide resistant soybeans. 1) Direct seeding was introduced 10 years ago as a tool for reducing soil erosion on farms.
  • Why is soy important in Argentina?
  • Less than 70% of Argentina’s crushing capacity was used annually between 2015 and 2019, and was down to 57% in 2020 (Bolsa de Cereales 2020). Soy imports are therefore key to increasing the quantity of Argentina’s output of crushed products. It also improves its quality as soy produced in Paraguay has greater protein content.
  • Is Argentina growing more soybeans than Brazil?
  • While Brazil and the US are expanding in soybean planting and production, the Argentina soybean industry faces challenges compared to the previous season as policy, costs, competition and inflation are impacting soybean production. However, corn production is taking a step up.
  • When did soybean production start in Argentina?
  • The story of soybean production in Argentina began in the 1970s, and production increased rapidly in the 1990s, when genetically modified (GM) soybean varieties began to be commercialized in 1996. 4 This type of GM soybean was engineered to be herbicide resistant (primarily to the RoundUp Ready brand glyphosate).

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