large scale soybean oil production line in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe Soybean Area, Yield and Production

  • large scale soybean oil production line in Zimbabwe
  • large scale soybean oil production line in Zimbabwe
  • large scale soybean oil production line in Zimbabwe
  • large scale soybean oil production line in Zimbabwe

Full article: The significance of soybean

Trends of Soybean production in Zimbabwe Tridge

Soybean Explorer Zimbabwe USDA


  • How much soy is needed for cooking oil production in Zimbabwe?
  • Zimbabwe requires up to 750 000 tonnes of soyabeans per year for cooking oil production to attain self-sufficiency, which translates to at least 350 000 hectares of land for cultivation. Stockfeed alone consumes about 240 000 tonnes of soyabean per year. Read the original article on The Herald.
  • Does Zimbabwe still produce soya beans?
  • According to ZimStats data, Zimbabwe managed to harvest 71 290 tonnes in the 2020 - 21 soyabean production from a national hectarage of 46 158 and Zimbabwe still imports huge quantities of soya beans, due to low levels of production.
  • Where does Zimbabwe import soybean oil?
  • According to the United Nations Comtrade, Zimbabwe's imports of soybean oil and its fractions, from South Africa, stood at US$69,03 million in 2020. While South Africa is the largest supplier of soyabean and its fractions to Zimbabwe, a significant portion of raw materials also comes from Argentina, Mauritius, Brazil, Korea Zambia, and China.
  • How many tons of soybeans are produced a year?
  • Masuda and Goldsmith (2009) estimated that the yearly production of soybean will be at 2.2% and approach a yearly production of 371.3 million tons by 2030. Also, Masuda and Goldsmith projected that the production and area harvested of soybean worldwide is going to increase due to the increasing demand for soybean products.

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