top selling motor oil re-refining cost in Indonesia

Country Analysis Executive Summary: Indonesia U.S.

  • top selling motor oil re-refining cost in Indonesia
  • top selling motor oil re-refining cost in Indonesia
  • top selling motor oil re-refining cost in Indonesia
  • top selling motor oil re-refining cost in Indonesia

Country Analysis Background: Indonesia U.S. Energy

Indonesia's Refining Ambitions Under Threats

Oil and Gas in Indonesia PwC

Indonesia Refined Petroleum Products Market (2024-2030)

  • Will Indonesia double its oil refining capacity?
  • Indonesia is accelerating plans to almost double its oil refining capacity and reduce its dependence on fuel product imports. Pertamina, the state-backed oil company, announced plans to invest USD 48 billion over the next seven years to boost processing capacity to 1.8 million barrels per day from 1 million in 2020.
  • How many refineries are in Indonesia?
  • Refining Indonesia’s total refinery capacity was an estimated 1.1 million b/d in 2020 at six major refineries and two smaller facilities. The two largest refineries can process imported heavy sour crude oil, while the other refineries are simpler facilities and are configured to mainly process domestic light sweet crude oil.
  • Who owns oil refineries in Indonesia?
  • Refineries in Indonesia are operated by the state-owned oil company, Pertamina, and investments are guided by government policy. Indonesia has five major refineries with capacities greater than 100,000 barrels per day. The last new one to open was the Balongan refinery in 1994. Separate from refinery capacity is refinery utilization.
  • Why does Indonesia have a high oil refinery throughput?
  • The refinery throughput grew in recent years due to increasing domestic petroleum demand, rising petroleum prices, healthy growth in the tourism sector, and stable and high refinery margins. Indonesia is accelerating plans to almost double its oil refining capacity and reduce its dependence on fuel product imports.

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