palm oil tropical plant supply oil palm seeding in Indonesia

A map of the extent and year of detection of oil palm

  • palm oil tropical plant supply oil palm seeding in Indonesia
  • palm oil tropical plant supply oil palm seeding in Indonesia
  • palm oil tropical plant supply oil palm seeding in Indonesia
  • palm oil tropical plant supply oil palm seeding in Indonesia

Fostering a climate-smart intensification for oil

Palm oil and the politics of deforestation in Indonesia

Evaluating the palm oil demand in Indonesia

Promoting sustainable oil palm production

  • Why is oil palm plantation growing in Indonesia?
  • Oil palm plantation has expanded rapidly in Indonesia, driven by the enormous increase in the global demand for oil palm products. While the production and exporting of oil palm products have stimulated economic growth and improved living standards of local people, the expansion has imposed significant costs on the environment.
  • Do smallholders grow palm oil in Indonesia?
  • The area cultivated by smallholders has seen a massive expansion in the last two decades, from less than 1.6 to 5.8 million hectares between 2001 and 2018. Indonesian smallholders currently supply 38 percent of palm oil production, while covering nearly half of the country’s area of oil palm plantations.
  • What is oil palm expansion in Indonesia?
  • Oil palm expansion from 2001 to 2019 by Indonesian region. Y-axis represent areas (in 1000-ha, note different scales) of the total area of plantations (industrial and smallholder) added each year by rapidly clearing forests (light bars), or by using areas already cleared (dark bars).
  • Why is Indonesian oil palm demand rising?
  • Therefore, the trend of rising demand for oil palm products from Indonesia is expected to continue even if there are growing movements boycotting Indonesian oil palm products due to concerns about the threats to environmental conservation.

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