Togo for351/fr420 tung oil production

FOR351/FR420: Tung Oil Production in Florida

  • Togo for351/fr420 tung oil production
  • Togo for351/fr420 tung oil production
  • Togo for351/fr420 tung oil production
  • Togo for351/fr420 tung oil production

Tung Oil Production in Florida Request PDF ResearchGate

Tung Tree (Vernicia fordii) Genome Provides A Resource for

The domestic tung industry. I. Production and improvement of the tung

The Production of Tung Oil Science AAAS

  • What is tung oil (Vernicia fordii)?
  • Tung oil ( Vernicia fordii) also called China's wood oil is non-edible oil extracted from the seed of Tung tree, which spreads widely in the southwest of China and Taiwan. Shang et al. (2010) indicated that it is a promising raw material for the biodiesel production in the future.
  • How much oil does a tung tree produce per acre?
  • At peak production, tung orchards typically produce 2 to 2.1 tons of fruit per acre that contains 18.5% to 20% oil content by weight (Duke 1983). Tung tree seed is a potential alternative crop in northern and central Florida on sites having relatively well-drained, fertile soils and adequate moisture.
  • Does tung tree produce eleostearic acid?
  • Tung tree (Vernicia fordii) is an economically important woody oil plant that produces tung oil rich in eleostearic acid. Here, we report a high-quality chromosome-scale genome sequence of tung tree.
  • Where does tung tree oil come from?
  • Historically, tung tree ( Aleurites fordii Hemsl.) oil production occurred within a 75- to 100-mile-wide belt through the Gulf Coastal Plain, from east Texas to Georgia and south into the Florida Gainesville area (Snow 2013).

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