iso quality rice oil machine for mustard seed in Uganda

Road Map for Rice Seed Value Chain Development

  • iso quality rice oil machine for mustard seed in Uganda
  • iso quality rice oil machine for mustard seed in Uganda
  • iso quality rice oil machine for mustard seed in Uganda
  • iso quality rice oil machine for mustard seed in Uganda

Institutionalizing Quality Declared Seed

Rice Cultivation Handbook 20151021 Agriculture

Uganda seed sector profile Bioversity

Institutionalizing Quality Declared Seed in Uganda

  • How do informal seed systems work in Uganda?
  • Informal seed systems, through which rice seeds are predominantly produced in Uganda, are carried out by either saving a portion of their harvest by individual farmers themselves or by progressive/entrepreneurial farmers for a given community.
  • Is rice a strategic enterprise in Uganda?
  • Today, rice is increasingly recognized as one of the key strategic enterprises that could augment Uganda’s national agriculture sector Development Strategy and Investment Plan (DSIP; 2010/11-2014/15). Uganda has recently formulated National Rice Development Strategy (NRDS; 2008-2018) and has set directions and guidelines for rice sub sector.
  • Is there a community based system of rice seed production in Uganda?
  • Although community based system of rice seed production is generally not common in Uganda, donor funded projects and NGOs engage local progressive or lead farmers in producing rice seeds under their own supervision.
  • What is a seed class in Uganda?
  • In Uganda, this seed class is specifically introduced for farmer-led enterprises to produce and market quality assured seed of crops and varieties not served by the private sector. The class is anchored in the Ugandan National Seed Policy and its seed regulations and its operationalization plan.

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