Cape Town cottonseed oil plant project built cooking oil

Cottonseed oil: A review of extraction techniques,

  • Cape Town cottonseed oil plant project built cooking oil
  • Cape Town cottonseed oil plant project built cooking oil
  • Cape Town cottonseed oil plant project built cooking oil
  • Cape Town cottonseed oil plant project built cooking oil

Cottonseed Oil: Extraction, Characterization,

Cottonseed oil: A review of extraction

Innovations in Extraction: The Future of Cottonseed Oil

Metabolic engineering of cottonseed oil

  • What is the global cottonseed production in 2019/2020?
  • The global cottonseed production in 2019/2020 is estimated to be ~44.84 metric million tons (MMT) (Statista, 2020 accessed on July 25, 2020). Cottonseeds contain 17–22% oil, and after oil extraction, cottonseed meal (CSM) is obtained as a coproduct (Hernandez, 2016, pp. 242–246) (Fig. 2).
  • Why is cottonseed oil a good choice?
  • Cottonseed oil (CS-O) is attaining more consideration owing to its high fiber content and stability against auto-oxidation. CS-O has gained a good reputation in the global edible oil market due to its distinctive fatty acid profile, anti-inflammatory, and cardio-protective properties.
  • What is cottonseed meal (CSM)?
  • Cottonseeds contain 17–22% oil, and after oil extraction, cottonseed meal (CSM) is obtained as a coproduct (Hernandez, 2016, pp. 242–246) (Fig. 2). CSM has the potential to produce ~10 MMT proteins, which could fulfil the annual protein requirements of more than half a billion people globally (Wedegaertner & Rathore, 2015).
  • What is cottonseed oil (CSO)?
  • The worldwide cottonseed production in 2019–2020 was 43 million metric ton (Kumar et al. 2022). Cottonseed oil (CSO) is the by-product of cotton manufacturer; extracted from the decorticated and delinted cottonseed for their used as edible oil and industrial applications (Orhevba and Efomah 2012; Shah 2017).

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