Botswana palm oil exports by country worlds top exports

Crude palm oil exports by country |2022 World Bank

  • Botswana palm oil exports by country worlds top exports
  • Botswana palm oil exports by country worlds top exports
  • Botswana palm oil exports by country worlds top exports
  • Botswana palm oil exports by country worlds top exports

Botswana (BWA) Exports, Imports, and Trade

Botswana Crude palm oil exports by country 2022 Data

Botswana Exports by country and region 2021 WITS Data World

Palm Oil Exports by Country in 1000 MT Country Rankings

  • Which countries export the most palm oil in 2022?
  • Each country is colored based on the difference in exports and imports of Palm Oil during 2022. In 2022, the countries that had a largest trade value in exports than in imports of Palm Oil were Indonesia ($28.7B), Malaysia ($16.2B), Thailand ($1.3B), Papua New Guinea ($971M), and Guatemala ($888M).
  • What are Botswana's most valuable export products?
  • Botswana’s 3 most valuable exported products are unmounted and unset diamonds, copper ores and concentrates, then insulated wire or cable. Collectively, those top exported products represent 92.8% of the total sales for Botswanan exports during 2022.
  • Who imports 'palm oil & crude' in 2022?
  • The world's largest importers of this commodity group in 2022: «Palm oil, crude» accounted for a substantial share of total imports of Kenya - 4.56% of Kenya's total imports in 2022 ($964 million of $21 billion) According to statistics provided by the major importers, the largest flows of imports of «Palm oil, crude» in 2022:
  • What percentage of so Tomé & Principe exports 'palm oil & crude'?
  • «Palm oil, crude» accounted for a substantial share of total exports of São Tomé and Principe - 36% of São Tomé and Principe's total exports in 2022 ($8.17 million of $22 million) According to statistics provided by the major exporters, the largest flows of exports of «Palm oil, crude» in 2022:

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