oils and related products joint fao/who in Myanmar

FAO in Myanmar Food and Agriculture

  • oils and related products joint fao/who in Myanmar
  • oils and related products joint fao/who in Myanmar
  • oils and related products joint fao/who in Myanmar
  • oils and related products joint fao/who in Myanmar

Fats, Oils and Related Products

Myanmar FAO in the 2021 humanitarian appeals

FAO Myanmar Newsletter, Issue 1 April 2018 Food

WHO Scientific Update on health consequences

  • What is the FAO Country programming framework for Myanmar?
  • In a world where knowledge is a catalyst for change, the story of Daw Aye... The FAO Country Programming Framework for Myanmar (2017-2022) has identified three priority areas: 1. Enhanced food security, nutrition and food safety; 2. Strengthened governance and sustainable management of land, forest, water resources and ecosystems; and
  • How can CSA practices help transform Myanmar's food system?
  • It is necessary to build enabling environments for multiple stakeholders to be involved in transforming Myanmar's food system. CSA practices are opportunities to address the limited access to inputs in the food supply chains in the production system.
  • What do farmers eat in Myanmar?
  • Most farming families in Myanmar consume cereals, oils, and vegetables and do not eat enough meat or legumes ( MOHS & WFP, 2019 ). Most of the foods consumed are also purchased, making food security relative to how much money a family has.
  • Can Myanmar develop agri-food value chains?
  • While Myanmar has the potential to develop agri-food value chains, it is confronted with many challenges. Myanmar has a limited supply of skilled labour, including farmers and those involved in the food value chain. Farmers need a better understanding of their role in the food value chain.

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