refined palm oil-globalagri trade corporat in Republic of Congo

Refined Palm Oil GlobalAgri Trade Corporat

  • refined palm oil-globalagri trade corporat in Republic of Congo
  • refined palm oil-globalagri trade corporat in Republic of Congo
  • refined palm oil-globalagri trade corporat in Republic of Congo
  • refined palm oil-globalagri trade corporat in Republic of Congo

Sustainable development of the palm oil sector in the

Sustainable development of the palm oil sector in the Congo

Sustainable development of the palm oil sector

Palm Oil in Republic of the Congo The Observatory

  • Are the Congo Basin's leaders paying attention to oil palm expansion?
  • There are some early signs that the Congo Basin’s leaders are already paying attention to the potential environmental trade-offs of oil palm expansion – like the Marrakesh Declaration, in which seven African governments pledge a shift towards sustainable, low-carbon palm oil production.
  • Can palm oil mills reduce deforestation in the Congo Basin?
  • Sustainability strategies initiated by companies and aimed at certifying palm oil mills are unlikely to be effective at curbing deforestation in the Congo Basin. Smallholder farmers are an engine of growth in the regions palm oil sector, and recent evidence suggests they are actively clearing forest to expand.
  • Are technology-driven intensifications in place in the Congo Basin palm oil sector?
  • Research suggests that technology-driven intensification, are in place (Byerlee et al. 2014). encouraging sustainability in the Congo Basin palm oil sector. development. Success will also rely on active engagement with civil society organizations as well as public and private companies.
  • What is the production of palm oil in DRC?
  • The production of palm oil in DRC is primarily targeted at satisfying the local demand for this commodity. In 2022, palm oil consumption in DRC was estimated at 425,000 metric tons [ 70 ], while domestic production is currently estimated at 300,000 metric tons [ 71 ]. Palm oil is consumed daily by the over 100 million people of DRC.

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