Ethiopia the human cost of palm oil production

The environmental impacts of palm oil

  • Ethiopia the human cost of palm oil production
  • Ethiopia the human cost of palm oil production
  • Ethiopia the human cost of palm oil production
  • Ethiopia the human cost of palm oil production

Environmental, Economic, and Social Consequences of the Oil Palm

RAN The Human Cost of Conflict Palm Oil (1)

The socioecological benefits and consequences of oil palm

Complexities of sustainable palm oil production

  • How does palm oil trade affect human wellbeing?
  • Palm oil trade has both positive and negative impacts on human wellbeing. Palm oil trade improves livelihoods of local communities by improving their incomes. Negative social impacts of palm oil trade are overwhelming and ongoing. Both smallholders and agro-industries contribute to positive and negative impacts.
  • How has palm oil changed over the years?
  • Between 1970 and 2020, the world’s production of palm oil increased by about 40 times. Global production went from only 2 million tonnes to around 80 million tonnes. The change in global production is shown in the chart.3 The story of palm oil is less about it as an isolated commodity and more about the rising demand for vegetable oils.
  • Why are there no case studies of palm oil production in Africa?
  • In contrast, few case studies were found in Africa despite the continent being the origin of palm oil cultivation. The low number of case studies in Africa could result from a combination of low yield in palm oil and lack of capacity in researching and reporting on impact.
  • Where is oil palm grown in Ethiopia?
  • This crop was introduced in Ethiopia at Gelesha in Gambella Region (Chapman & Escobar, 2003 ), Omorate and Weito in Southern region and Bako in Oromia region. Although oil palm is the ultimate crop to solve the edible oil shortage, it is not being cultivated at a large scale in Ethiopia.

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