India palm oil mills an overview sciencedirect topics

Palm Oil an overview ScienceDirect Topics

  • India palm oil mills an overview sciencedirect topics
  • India palm oil mills an overview sciencedirect topics
  • India palm oil mills an overview sciencedirect topics
  • India palm oil mills an overview sciencedirect topics

Palm oil: Processing, characterization and utilization in the

Oil palm cultivation can be expanded while sparing biodiversity in India

India’s path to sustainable oil palm production Nature Food

India in the Oil Palm Era: Describing India’s Dependence on Palm Oil

  • Why is India expanding oil palm plantations?
  • In an aggressive push towards self-sufficiency in vegetable oils, the Indian government is prioritizing the rapid expansion of domestic oil palm plantations to meet an expected doubling in palm oil consumption in the next 15 years. Yet the current expansion of oil palm in India is occurring at the expense of biodiversity-rich landscapes.
  • Are palm oil mills environmentally sustainable?
  • Palm oil mills have significant sustainability concerns due to the environmental impacts of open lagoon treatment of palm oil mill effluent (POME) and fertiliser and pesticide use (Reijnders and Huijbregts, 2008; Choo et al., 2011 ).
  • How will India affect palm oil production?
  • Increasing demand from India will put pressure on the palm oil producers to increase production, which can be done immediately by increasing the land under oil palm plantations, by means of deforestation.
  • Is the production of palm oil sustainable?
  • The growth of commercial palm oil plantations in Southeast Asia and recent expansions in West Africa and Latin America have led to a growing call for the sustainable production of palm oil due to concerns over associated impacts on deforestation and biodiversity losses.

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