oilseed processing methods win tone machinery in Papua New Guinea

Enzyme-aided oil and oilseed processing: opportunities

  • oilseed processing methods win tone machinery in Papua New Guinea
  • oilseed processing methods win tone machinery in Papua New Guinea
  • oilseed processing methods win tone machinery in Papua New Guinea
  • oilseed processing methods win tone machinery in Papua New Guinea

Land formalization turned land rush: The case of oil palm in Papua New

environmental sustainability of oil palm cultivation

Papua New Guinea: Sustainable Palm Oil

Political Governance and Service Delivery

  • Can Papua New Guinea attract large-scale transnational investments for oil palm production?
  • This article uses a case study in Papua New Guinea (PNG), where the government seeks to attract large-scale transnational investments for oil palm production by formalizing large swathes of customary land.
  • Why is palm oil important in Papua New Guinea?
  • In Papua New Guinea (PNG), the palm oil industry drives the cash economies of the four main provinces in which oil palm is grown and earns the greatest export income. Export earnings from palm oil overtook those from coffee in 2001, and were more than 1,000 million kina in 2008.
  • What is the Papua New Guinea palm oil platform?
  • Funded by the UN REDD+ project and led by the Papuan Department of Agriculture and Livestock, the Papua New Guinea Palm Oil Platform (PNG POP) was launched in 2018 with strong commitment from the national government.
  • How is oil palm cultivation organised in PNG?
  • Therefore, oil palm cultivation in PNG is currently organised under four systems of operational management- large oil palm plantation estates operated by a palm oil company, LSS blocks operated by long-term lease holders, VOP blocks operated by customary land owners and CRPBs operated by villagers without ownership rights.

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