Kenya palm oil versus paradise

How African palm oil boosts livelihoods

  • Kenya palm oil versus paradise
  • Kenya palm oil versus paradise
  • Kenya palm oil versus paradise
  • Kenya palm oil versus paradise

Red gold: the rise and fall of West Africa’s palm

Claim that coconut oil is worse for biodiversity

Tree Commodities and Resilient Green

Issue 07 MPOC

  • Which palm oil producers are promoting sustainable production & transitioning to net-zero emissions?
  • To address these concerns, the leading palm oil producers, Indonesia and Malaysia, are actively promoting sustainable palm oil production and transitioning to net-zero emissions. Among other oil crops, such as soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower, palm has the most sustainable standards.
  • How did oil palms grow in Africa?
  • An explosive expansion of oil palm groves throughout western and central Africa in the wake of a dry period around 2,500 years ago enabled human migration and agricultural development; in turn, humans facilitated oil palm propagation through seed dispersal and slash-and-burn agriculture.
  • How is palm oil made in West Africa?
  • Similar methods are still widely used throughout West Africa. While pure red palm oil was derived from the palm fruit’s fleshy outer mesocarp, women also, often with the help of children, cracked the palm kernels to make brown, clear palm kernel oil.
  • How can palm oil avoid imports in West and Central Africa?
  • To avoid imports, domestic production must scale up significantly to meet the demand of rapidly growing populations across West and Central Africa. APOI is determined that growth in the domestic palm oil sector enhances the livelihoods of smallholders while preserving pristine forests and engaging with local communities.

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