sunflower nut shell liquid cnsl oil wholesale in Afghanistan

Cashew nutshell liquid and its derivatives in oil

  • sunflower nut shell liquid cnsl oil wholesale in Afghanistan
  • sunflower nut shell liquid cnsl oil wholesale in Afghanistan
  • sunflower nut shell liquid cnsl oil wholesale in Afghanistan
  • sunflower nut shell liquid cnsl oil wholesale in Afghanistan

Revitalizing agriculture with the potential of cashew nutshell liquid

Cashew Nutshell Liquid (CNSL): From an Agro

Cashew Nut Shell Liquid (CNSL) Richard Franco

Cashew nut shell: a potential bio-resource

  • What is cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL)?
  • Cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL), a byproduct of the cashew industry, stands out as a unique renewable starting material amongst others due to its peculiar structural feature, low cost, and availability.
  • How to extract CNSL from cashew nut?
  • It has been estimated that the raw cashew nut contains approximately 20% of the nutshell oil. Basically, three main extraction methods have been established for the extraction of CNSL from cashew nuts namely thermal, mechanical, and solvent extraction.
  • What is CNSL oil?
  • CNSL is a dark reddish-brown oil present in the pericarp of the cashew nut. Cardol, cardanol, and anacardic acid present in CNSL accounts for its high phenolic content and diverse applications as a renewable versatile product, especially as a green fuel in terms of its energy content.
  • Can cashew nut shells be used to extract oil?
  • Many researchers have offered explanations for how cashew nut shells can be used to extract oil. CNSL is the extraction of cashew nut shell (CNS) by various techniques. Anacardic acid (60–65%), cardol (15–20%), cardanol (10%), and traces of methyl cardol are all present in solvent-extracted CNSL.

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